Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Beer/Running Attempt 2/Day 1!:

We're gonna give this another shot.  Now I have a plan in place for rainy days ;)

12.61km/7.84mi - Cooler weather made this a pretty enjoyable run. Legs were a bit stiff to begin with but as the run went on they loosened up. Still prefer trails to running on the road. Oh well.

Endomondo Linkage....

Tonight I am enjoying a nice Foothills Oktoberfest.  I picked up a growler of this lovely little beer at Bearden Beer Market yesterday, so you'll likely see it for a day or two.

Review:  Pours a nice amber brown color with a creamy white head.  Sticks around nicely.  Aroma is malty and somewhat sweet.  Nice smooth malt character and the hops settle nicely into the background.  I pick up a nice chocolaty flavor from this one.  Nicely carbonated and smooth to drink.  A nice beer overall.

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