Saturday, September 3, 2011

Running and Beer - Day 4:

Well, today is kinda sorta my rest day.  2km/1.24mi run.  About a half sprint/half jog sort of thing.  Woohoo.  Surprisingly easy compared to my usual 12k runs.

Endomondo link...

Tonight I am having a beer I just got to try earlier this week.  Lovely stuff this one.  Mikkeller makes one heckuva nice IPA.  I wasn't too sure about this one when I went to try it the first time, as the Simcoe pine notes had me a little wary.  Long and short of things, I loved the hell out of this beer.  Not a West-coast IPA for sure, but a damn fine one regardless. Nice smooth hoppy flavor vs. jagged hop bite.  I'm a happy camper!

Mikkeller Green Gold

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