Thursday, May 26, 2011


Set 1 (3pm):
100x Squats
100s Isometric Plank
100x Push-ups
100x Lift and Push

Set 2 (12:30am):
100x Squats
100x Knuckle Push-ups
100s Isometric Plank
100x Bicycle Crunches

Run #67 - Local Lap:
Audio: Gideon's Sword by Preston & Child
11.11km/6.9M - 1hr 13min 10sec
Notes: Steady pacing and good breathing throughout the run.  Legs felt good as well.  Light rain towards the end of the run partially helped cool things off.  Quite enjoyable bit of luck that to cool me off.  No sprint just nice bit of pacing.

Route Info

Set 3 (4am):
100x Squats
100s Isometric Plank
100x Diamond Push-ups
100x Reverse Crunches

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